The Branding Series | Brand Mood Board

Welcome to the second installment of The Branding Series. I'm partnering with Creative Market for this series and we'll be diving into some of their amazing products to create a brand mood board.

If you haven't been following along you can visit The Branding Series landing page where each assignment will become a clickable link to the corresponding blog post as they come out. 

In today's assignment, we will be creating a brand mood board. This assignment will be focusing on creating a Pinterest board because there's much more to choose from, plus its online branding so we'll want to choose some fonts we like, colors, elements, etc, that you can only find online.

The Branding Series: Brand Mood Board

The Branding Series | Brand Mood Board by

This is one of my favorite parts of the branding process. Basically, you're going to reference your answers from The Full Picture and look for these things on Pinterest, on Creative Market, Google, your favorite planner website, or anywhere else on the web.

Don't hold back if you see something you LOVE but didn't add to your answers, nothing is off-limits. You can always go back and edit (but make sure you do all your editing during this process. Once you choose your aesthetic, you really want to try and be as consistent as possible so your customers/readers will start to associate these colors/fonts/elements with your brand. That's why I waited a few weeks to do my own branding, so I could get a feel of running my blog before creating a brand image for it).

You want to have at the very least, 30-50 pins on your board. If you can do more, great! Just go crazy, remember to not limit yourself to just Pinterest, I highly recommend you check out Creative Market, you can find some branded stock photography for your blog, gold shimmer Photoshop brushes, website templates, blog graphic templates and so much more you can use in your business (and I dare you not to download everything!).

Another great resource is Design Seeds for colors, you can find so many beautiful color palettes that can spark ideas for your brand. But don't worry too much about finding your exact colors because I have a full post focusing on just colors and fonts. 

I went ahead and started on my brand mood board already just to give you an idea of the things I'm looking for and how it corresponds with my answers from the first assignment. You'll find things like, office supplies, planners, worksheets that I liked the look of, color palettes, DIYs, patterns, quotes (I usually liked the fonts in them), etc.

The Branding Series | Brand Mood Board by

Time for you to get started on your own Brand Mood Board! I would love to see it when you're finished so post the link below or add my email ( if you want to keep it a secret board.