Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to questions such as:

  • How often do you change the bath?
  • Am I able to electroform with metals other than copper? Specifically gold or silver? Or would it be better to gold/silver plate over a copper electroformed piece?
  • Since I'm just starting out should I invest in a 5-amp rectifier or get a 3-amp one?
  • I am getting a kind of putty-ish salmon color. What's wrong?
  • What would you recommend sealing opals with?
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What Do You Want To Learn?

What Do You Want To Learn?

I thought it'd be fun to keep a running list of blog post topics that you want to read. Often times I feel like I've covered the basics of electroforming but some of you may want to know more about polishing, how to get different finishes, how to filter your solution, etc.

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