Quick Check In | What's Going On At MM HQ?

Hey Makers!

As you may know, Maker Monologues has been off the map for the last couple of months. 

I've been quite busy with my jewelry business because of the holiday shopping season. I will be getting back up and blogging soon. So don't worry, Maker Monologues is not going anywhere!

Second, if you've been trying to email me I have not been getting them, sadly. =( Something went wrong back in November with my custom domain email (contact@makermonologues.com) where it just stopped working and I was no longer receiving emails.

I wasn't even getting my Squarespace bill due to notifications which resulted in my website getting shut down! I only found out by one of you messaging my Facebook page (thank you!). And I've been back and forth with Squarespace and Google Domains (and it seems no one knows, or cares, about what's going on) and I have a million and one other things on my to-do list.

I contacted Google again today to figure out how to get my email working again but until then I've changed the email associated with my blog to makermonologues3@gmail.com, which is my original Gmail address. So if you have any questions just send them there.

I appreciate your patients and understanding and can't wait to get back to making jewelry and sharing what I've learned in running my jewelry business with you all!

If you have any questions just leave them in the comments (I can still see those, ha!).
