How to Create Texture on your Copper Electroformed Jewelry

How to Create Texture on your Copper Electroformed Jewelry

Trying to repeat a fun texture you accidentally achieved through copper electroforming can be quite frustrating. We don't want to leave it up to our power supply to decide whether we get that cool texture or not. So I'm going to show you a way I've been able to achieve that texture.

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Jewelry Tutorial: How To Make A Copper Electroformed Gemstone Open Ring

Jewelry Tutorial: How To Make A Copper Electroformed Gemstone Open Ring

Hey Makers! Today's jewelry tutorial is going to show you how copper electroform my ring style; the gemstone open ring. It's not much different from a single gemstone stacking ring so I'm not going to go too in-depth but my skill and techniques have improved since I originally wrote that tutorial so I wanted to create a more updated version.

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